Friday, July 26, 2013

Guest Post: The Best of Devlin, by JoAnne Kenrick

The Best of Devlin, from IRISH KISSES
JoAnne Kenrick

Devlin Kinney is the reason Sweet Irish Kiss became book one in the Irish Kisses series. Meant as a stand alone story, he was a secondary character. Something to set the Bell’s Irish pub scene. His Irish charm ’n cheek stole readers hearts, and emails requesting a Devlin story came pouring in. How could I say no to that? Besides, the cheeky so and so had stolen my heart, too. And what was meant as a stand alone story became a full 1NS series called IRISH KISSES.
The last release, MARRY ME, I’M IRISH, completes IRISH KISSES and is a .99c special. It is not only a check in with the staff a Bell’s, but it’s Devlin’s finale as it were.

For a taste of Devlin, and a revisit for those who’ve read the books, here’s my favorite OH DEVLIN, YOU CHEEKY SOD lines. Grab a in of stout or a Sweet Irish Kiss... and get to know Devlin’s naughty side.

“Ya game is fine, but ya booze-eyes are a problem. Not like ya ta drink this much. I reckon ya banjo’d, so ya are.” Devlin’s thick Irish accent coated each word; a childhood bud and Shaun’s only full-time bartender, he’d come over from Northern Ireland weeks earlier.

“Fucking genius is what it is. Don’t question it. Enjoy it.” Devlin wiped away the beer froth from his mouth and grinned.

“You’ll win her with ya Irish charm and green eyes, so ya will. Now drink up ya coffee and stop whining like a baby. This girl’s gonna have a fantastic night tomorrow. She’s gonna worship da ground ya cock drags on.”

“Hates dressing up? Hope that doesn’t mean she’s a minger because a tasty lass usually likes to get dressed up. Other than that, she sounds perfect. Low maintenance and a heart.” Devlin patted his friend on the back in a well-done- chap kind of way. “Ya should totally play with her, though, and quickly add ta ya profile that ya like ya women to dress up.”

“Ya not that cruel, are ya?” He grabbed her arm, the thick fur of her coat giving
him the chills when he thought of the poor little foxes that died just so she could flaunt herself about like Lady Muck. He pulled free from Cruella DeVille. “The best I can do is get Shamrocked ta perform at the event for drinks.”

“Which sexy beasts are filling yar head with fancy notions of sunsets and romance this time? Shifters? Vampires?” Devlin flicked two straws into the finished drinks. “How us men are supposed ta live up ta those kinds of fantasies, I don’t know.”

“I’ll give ya a poke right now, if ya want, in the storeroom.” Devlin—Bell’s very own rock star/comedian—winked. What a looker. An Irish charmer through and through. If she’d had met him before her husband, well....

Sandra thumbed around the cover and found what looked like an invitation. She opened the envelope and cringed. A 1Night Stand date. Hell’s bells. Had to be Devlin’s idea, the cheeky sod. Her co-worker always teased her about her reading habits at work. Yup. This trickery had Devlin written all over it. Insensitive bastard.

Liz blew a kiss at him. The sweetie caught it and patted it on his crotch then winked. “Sweet, a blow job while I’m working. I’m such a lucky guy.”

Release Date: March, 2013 
Series: Irish Kisses, two of five
ISBN # 9781613333358
Length: 8K
Heat Rating: 3 Flames

just 99c!!!

Life couldn't be more perfect. Liz Grant has it all; a starring role in a major motion picture, a fabulous apartment central-London, and a great boyfriend who knows how to mix a mean cocktail and make her come with a flick of a switch. He works for Bell's Irish Pub, so she gets free drinks, too!

A surprise for St. Patrick's day. There's just one problem. Devlin Kinney wants to marry her. Like, now. And rip her away from her glamorous life. Why? So they can live happily ever after in a wee country cottage in the heart of Belfast, Ireland. What’s a city girl to do? He is Irish. And he does have a certain way with words. And vibrating toys. But does she love him enough to leave the comforts of England? And is there something behind his sudden proposal? 


Series roundup

Irish Kisses

Author bio:

Born n bred Brit, JoAnne Kenrick grew up in a wee sea-side town in North Wales and has enjoyed a variety of vocations such as holistic healer, window dresser, and ghost tour guide. Having lived in Wales, England, and Scotland with her dear family, she finally escaped the dull British summers to reside in sunny Australia. After two years, they moved to the States where she endured three harsh winters in Minnesota. She now lives in North Carolina with her husband, two kids and two puddy cats. When they aren't demanding her attention, or jumping on her head, she strums away on the keys of her little laptop, creating worlds and adventures she could only ever dream of. Come across the pond and faraway....with JoAnne Kenrick!

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