Loyalties, Ashwood Falls, #4
By Lia
Trained to hunt rogues and protect the human race from the threat
of shifters, Christa Baker is beginning to rethink her career choice.
Especially when her niece and nephew—who she’s raised on her own—end up in the
crossfire. Now she’s looking for a way out and disappear off Shield’s radar for
good. She never thought her out would be a gorgeous wolf who kidnaps her after
raiding Shield HQ.
Hayden Raines has always followed the rules. As the Ashwood Fall
wolf Marshal, he has to set the example for those working under him. When he
sets his sights on the beautiful human hunter things go downhill, fast. Fate
has a funny way of turning things inside out—because the woman he kidnaps, the
enemy he might need to protect his family from, just happens to be his mate.
Warning: Contains one woman on a path she’s not ready for, a
man who thought things would be different, and a heated exchange that turns out
to be the best thing ever.
Something didn’t ring right with Christa Baker
as she sat in the conference room listening to the new leader of Shield
rattling on about rogue shifters. He said they were growing in numbers, yet he
hadn’t provided any physical proof. Sure a few humans had gone missing, most of
whom were homeless, and according the police, their disappearances weren’t that
She failed to see his point because shifters
were born, not created. So why would they need to kidnap humans?
Her new boss had gone on and on for the last
several weeks about an increase in shifter sightings. Again, no proof. Christa
had checked.
She could pull up anything from the Internet.
Social networks like Facebook and YouTube were the best places to look for the
weird and unusual.
There hadn’t been a human attack by a shifter
since she’d killed the beast in her home eight years ago. It had been her first
encounter with what she now knew was called a mutant, a half-animal, half-human
creature with no regard for life—its own or others’.
However, Vance Miller believed a civil war was
raging among the breeds that had spilled over into the human world. There was
something he’d left out, something bigger than he wanted her and the others in
Shield to believe. So what if the shifters were at war with one another and killing
themselves? Was it the mutants? If so, then they deserved what they got. They’d
created the damned creatures; they could all go to hell as far as she cared.
It wasn’t Shield’s place to get involved in the
shifters’ civil war. Shield was a human-run group of rebels that went above the
law to protect mankind from the were-kind or shifters, as they liked to be
called. She didn’t care what they called themselves as long as they left the
humans alone. So far, in the eight years she’d been with Shield, the shifters
had. However, there was the occasional mishap—like the mating-gone-wrong
situation her sister had suffered.
Mary didn’t have the chance to run when her mate
turned on her in a fit of jealous rage. Or at least that’s what Christa
believed happened. Her niece and nephew, fraternal twins Brenna and Bryce, had
been only eight at the time and thankfully not at home to witness how their
mother died.
However, Christa had been the one to ID the
From that day forward, Christa had fought for
Shield to protect humans from the shifter races.
Up until a few months ago, Shield hadn’t
attacked innocents or started wars between the shifters, but then Vance had
stepped in as the new leader of Shield. He’d changed the way the others
thought, more like manipulated them into believing his load of bullshit. She
wasn’t sure how he’d done it, but the others just bowed down to him and
believed every lie out of his mouth.
How could they be so blind to his cause?
Then again, the other soldiers couldn’t detect a
shifter like she could. Sure, they all had training to know what to look for.
Eye color was the biggie. Most shifters had an unusual coloring, and when they
were challenged or provoked, their eyes seemed to glow. Plus the pupils were
reflective like the animal that lived within.
Christa had lived with two shifters for the last
seven years. She’d been there when Brenna and Bryce shifted for the first time.
She’d also helped them control their wolves, thanks to the information her
sister had shared with her when she was alive.
“My sources tell me that the rise in shifter
attacks points to a hybrid Pack of wolves and leopards called Ashwood Falls,”
Vance said then tapped on the table to get her attention.
She met his gaze and held it until he looked
away, but not before she caught the flashing shift of color in his irises.
Satisfied she wasn’t being paranoid about what he was, she asked, “How
trustworthy is this source? Why haven’t we heard about attacks from our police
contacts? It should be all over the Internet.”
Vance set his jaw and turned away from them to
study the map on the wall. “The shifters are very good at hiding these things
from humans. You, of all people, should know that, Christa.”
What she really wanted to say was, “Like you,
asshole,” but she refrained and squashed her temper down before it got her in
trouble. Again. “How sure are you?” she asked in a slightly softer tone.
See? She could be calm and cool.
He peered at her over his shoulder and smiled
one of those smiles that held no humor or amusement. “If I didn’t know better,
I’d say you were protecting the shifters.”
She narrowed her eyes and wished she had the
gift of pyrokinesis so she could light his ass on fire. Okay so maybe that was
a little extreme, but she didn’t trust or like him. The darkness he held around
him put her on edge every time he was near. “I wouldn’t want to go in and
destroy the wrong den when there could be a bigger threat out there. I just
like to be sure.”
The truth was Vance had taken all the control of
research and strategy from her when he took over the unit. That annoyed the
hell out of her, and it also left her feeling as though she was going into an
OP blind.
She swore he let out a low growl before he
called the meeting to an end. Gathering her notebook and pen, she moved toward
the door, only to stop when Vance stepped in her path. She fisted her free hand
by her side and silently counted backward from ten. One corner of Vance’s lips
lifted. She wanted so badly to punch that smirk right off his face.
Or just shoot him.
If there was a rogue, it was him for sure.
“What’s the rush?”
She stared into his dark brown eyes and squared
her shoulders. “I skipped lunch.”
He moved to the side, and she stepped forward.
He gripped her biceps and leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Tell the brats to
stay safe.”
She jerked out of his grip and stormed down the
hall to the lobby of Shield HQ, away from the bastard shifter-acting-human.
Only then did she allow her heart to pound uncontrollably and let fear consume
Pulling out her phone, she sent a one-word text
to an untraceable cell.
A few seconds later she got a reply.
Relief flooded her system and threatened to make
her knees give out. She had to get a grip. The twins were safe and very smart.
But still she insisted on the text codes for her own piece of mind.
Although Vance had just threatened her niece and
nephew. At least that was what she took it for, a threat. Maybe he knew they
were wolves. No. He’d never met—or even seen them.
She had to get out of Shield and disappear. Fall
off the radar for good.
But how?
When she reached the lobby door, she jerked back
as it flew open to reveal a large man with black hair and bright green eyes
that bored into her as he moved forward. She sidestepped him, but he was too
quick. He snaked one arm around her waist, drew her into the hard length of his
side, while he held a gun straight out, and fired at everyone around them.
She screamed, but no one heard her over the
gunfire. Shield soldiers came from the back offices, weapons drawn. Two more
men stepped up beside her and her captor then rushed the wall of Shield
soldiers, killing them with ease like trained assassins.
Christa twisted and kicked with no results. The
man had a death grip around her waist. “Let me go. We don’t have money in
He didn’t reply, which was no surprise to her.
She didn’t expect him to. Think, Christa.
She scanned the large lobby, and her heart ached for the men and women she’d
worked with for the last eight years. They were giving it their all, but it
wasn’t good enough. One by one, they fell.
And she was helpless, trapped in the arms of the
One of her captor’s allies, an auburn-haired
man, advanced down the hall. He came back a few minutes later and said, “He’s
not here.”
The man holding her firmly to his body growled.
“Let’s go.” He shot the last soldier before turning her around to face him.
She gasped. No fucking way. He was a shifter.
The way his eyes reflected off the light told
her that. Frantic, she shoved against his chest. He wouldn’t budge. “Let me
He lifted a brow and studied her for a moment or
two as though he was trying to read her mind or something. Oh, no he wouldn’t.
She yanked her knee up and connected with his balls, hard. He cursed and let go
of her as he doubled over.
She didn’t waste time. She ran for the door,
only to skid to a halt as the auburn-haired man appeared in front of her. What
the fuck? A teleporter? No, he hadn’t materialized in front of her. She’d seen
it done before. Fucking shifter speed was what he’d used to reach her so fast.
Christa patted her hip. Damn. She’d left her gun
in her car because it was always too tempting to shoot Vance if she took it
into the meeting.
She tried to fake a left and then moved right to
move around him when the other man gripped her by the arm. A sharp stick in the
arm made her jerk. She peered at the man as he pulled a needle out of her arm.
Son of a
Her vision blurred, and her legs wobbled, no
longer able to hold her up.
“Bastards,” she managed to say before everything went black.
the Author:
Lia Davis is a mother to two young adults and two very
special kitties, a wife to her soul mate, a paranormal romance author, and
co-owner to Fated Desires Publishing, LLC. She and her family live in Northeast
Florida battling hurricanes and very humid summers. But it’s her home and she
loves it!
An accounting major, Lia has always been a dreamer with a
very active imagination. The wheels in her head never stop. She ventured into
the world of writing and publishing in 2008 and loves it more than she
imagined. Writing is stress reliever that allows her to go off in her corner of
the house and enter into another world that she created, leaving real life
where it belongs.
Her favorite things are spending time with family,
traveling, reading, writing, chocolate, coffee, nature and hanging out with her