Friday, March 6, 2015

Vampires Never Cry Wolf by Sara Humphreys - #Review @sourcebooks @authorsara

Vampires are nothing but trouble…

As far as beautiful vampire Sadie Pemberton is concerned, werewolves shouldn’t be sticking their noses into New York’s supernatural politics. They don’t know jack about running a city—not even that hot-as-sin new vampire-werewolf liaison who’s just arrived in town.

Werewolves are too sexy for their own good…

The last thing Killian Bane wanted was to end up in New York City playing nice with vampires. Unfortunately, he’s on a mission, and when he encounters the sexiest, most stubborn female vamp he’s ever met, he’s going to have to turn on a little of that wolfish charm…and Sadie’s going to learn a thing or two about what it means to have a wild side…

Vampires and Werewolves don’t mingle, it’s a rule. Yet, vampire Sadie Pemberton and Killian Bane cannot keep their hands off of each other. The more the resist, the stronger the attraction seems to get. Unfortunately their love, could easily be the cause of an interspecies war, and there are lots of people on both sides that are against their pairing.

I really liked Sadie, she’s snarky and independent and knows her mind. I love her as a heroine, she’s super strong and doesn’t need a mate, yet she does crave a mate.

Killian Bane wants to live on his own, he wants to run a club, and doesn’t necessarily want a vampire mate messing with that freedom before he goes home bows to his father’s wishes. Of course he’s an Alpha male and a very sexy one at that, Sadie is a lucky woman.

I really enjoyed their byplay. I also loved this world, this was my first book by Sara Humphrey’s and I’m not a lifelong fan. I look forward to going back and reading the previous books, and I’m excited to see where she takes the world in the future.

I read this as a standalone, and I really think other readers can easily do the same. It’s definitely a must read for both vampire and werewolf fans.