Tesla’s Imprint
by Kimberly Adkins
Some things just can’t be
Simon’s visions of a little
girl are the only memories he has. Like an imprint on his heart, the visions
cling. Who is she? Who is he for that matter? Tracked and hunted across the
world, and in possession of a device that sets him apart from time and space,
danger follows him at each turn.
He never meant to drag Tess
into his drama. But with one slow, seductive dance in a candlelit nightclub,
that’s exactly what he’s done.
Tesla’s own heritage is a
mystery in itself. Born of wealth into a corporation with no paper trail, she’s
called back to take the helm. But what’s the nature of the business she’s
supposed to lead? And how does it connect her to Simon?
Simon leaned with his back
against the door. The metal was searing hot through his layers of clothing, but
he barely reacted to the burn. He understood the feeling that flooded through
his being, the sense that the young woman from the nightclub was just on the
other side of the frame. It was false, of course. Once the device opened the
slice it automatically detached and became inactive. When the door closed she
was a world away.
What am I thinking? He firmly
banged his head against the solid door, tacky with hot paint. When he’d told
her he made a promise, he couldn’t have been more serious – and more disturbed
by his reaction to the encounter in the night club than he cared to admit to himself.
What could he possibly have to
offer such a beautiful young woman after a dance like the one they shared? God,
he didn’t even know who he was. The only thing he could even be sure about was
that he was in danger, all the time.
He had to learn the truth about
his past and why he knew the things he did without remembering them. Until
then, the only thing he could be is a shadow on the edge of society. Everyone
was safer that way.
He replayed the way she felt in
his arms, how she stood on her toes to kiss his chin with her irresistible
lips. She felt familiar to him in a way he hadn’t experienced for what seemed
like a lifetime. It didn’t matter, though. He couldn’t let it matter. She was
halfway across the world now, and all the better for it.
…besides, he had work to do.
Kimberly Adkins is an author
and artist who spends her spare time working on worm hole theories so she can
go back in time and enter Star Gate’s ‘Get in the Gate’ sweepstakes as many
times as it takes to win.
Says Kimberly of romance, “Fate
lines up to reward the faithful who believe that love holds a power beyond our
understanding and dreams have a chance to come true.”
Website: www.kimberlyadkins.com
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