Thursday, February 6, 2014

Desperate Housewives of Avalon by Saranna DeWylde - Review

The Desperate Crew is back with a romp through resort island, Avalon. Aphrodite convinces Artemis it’s past time for her to get her V-card punched. Artemis doesn’t want any messy entanglements, has a taste for bad boys, and the sexy Mordred Le Fey fits the bill. Too bad he’s cursed by the Lady of the Lake.

Aphrodite has had her fill of Love being used as a curse and decides to give Vivienne her comeuppance. She ends up with trials of her own when all she wanted was a vacation.

Secretly, Vivienne thinks she deserves to be punished because she’s been in love with Arthur since she handed him Excalibur and engineered the fall of Guinevere and Camelot.

Gwen’s marriage to Lancelot has been in name only since 1912—a fact that’s only made Avalon’s resident evil enchantress, Morgan Le Fey, too happy.

Come along for the ride as these goddesses take control of their Fate (or so they think) and find their Happily Ever Afters.

Love, it’s all about love and I absolutely loved this book! Full of wit, snark and a heavy dose of love all around, Ms. DeWylde takes well known characters of mythology and breathes a breath of fresh air into them. All the players in this story were very real and even flawed but that made them so real for me.

I’ll admit the idea of a multi-POV story working was foreign to me, but Ms. DeWylde proves that when there is real talent behind the writing, it’s not only capable of being well written but intensely enjoyable.

I can’t decide who of all the couple’s were my favorite, though I really enjoyed Artemis and Mordred, part of me was very much into the other stories just as much. I will admit to a love of the Avalon myths, and it was fun to take a ride on the side of what might have been if things hand ended differently and love had actually conquered all.

So, I highly recommend this book, even if you don’t normally read romance, I think you’ll find the storytelling suberb and the mythology reimagined the perfect way to while away an evening. I look forward to and really want more stories in the Desperate Housewives series. 

I received a copy in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated for this review.