Tuesday, January 28, 2014

King Cave by Scarlett Dawn - Review

The long-awaited sequel to the bestselling, award-winning King Hall: the revolution is here, but the most dangerous attack may come from within...

The safe, comfortable world of Lily Ruckler and her fellow Mystical Kings and Queens is rocked to the core by the attacks at King Hall. Not only does Lily have to kill the Commoners attacking her people, she also has to assume the mantle of leadership, and bring the surviving Mysticals to King Cave.

It should have been too much, but she is not alone. Ezra becomes her rock, her best friend, the one person who understands. As Pearl and Jack struggle with inconsolable loss, Ezra and Lily work to keep the Mys community safe in their new home, and plan a deadly retaliation.

Their friendship saves them both...but it also draws attention. Whispers. Judgment. It's not normal for Shifters and Vampires to be friends, and when a horrifying truth is revealed, their relationship morphs from unusual to unspeakable. Lily is good at keeping secrets that could get her killed. Is she willing to risk Ezra's life as well?

I was dying for this book, after the events in King Hall, King Cave  couldn’t get here fast enough. This book picks up exactly where King Hall leaves off and focuses quite a bit on Lilly and Ezra, which was just fine with me. While I love Jack and Pearl and wanted to see more of how they were coping with events in King Hall, I was very glad to spend time with Lilly and Ezra.

There are some serious emotions being presented in this book, and Ms. Dawn does an even better job with these emotions this time around, and she did a pretty phenomenal job the first time.

The storyline moves forward and the conflicts between the Mysticals and Commoners, are still there but I felt like it’s still a story driven by characters, and Lilly and Ezra are great characters to drive the story forward.

I am very much looking forward to more from Ms. Dawn and hope I don’t have too long to wait. The Forever Evermore series is now my go to recommendation to anyone who wants a great New Adult series that has likeable characters that keep you emotionally invested in them.

I received a copy in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated for my review.