Hey, thanks so much for having me today!
I gave a lot of thought to how to
explain a day in the writing life of me because I think I’d like to pretend it
is super organized and I know what I’m doing. Sadly, like a lot of people, I
spend my days putting out fires, rushing from one minor emergency to the next,
doing my job, being with family, and sometimes I even catch my favorite
shows…but I’ll try.
I get up around six the first
time, which is when the alarm clock plays the Dr. Who theme song. My youngest
is up around this time and he’s not a big morning person—which means he is
cranky and snarly and I either try to joke him out of it before the bus driver
has to deal with his morning mood or I steer clear of him and wish the driver
the best. I’m no saint…but some days I manage to have him giggling when he goes
out the door.
About then, the cats are going
bonkers and stalking back and forth across my desk because they are starving to
death and, dear god, does no one in this house understand the importance of
their food? Our dog, a black lab, generally alternates between tripping
me—we’re still pre-coffee—and knocking stuff over. There has been serious
discussion about entering his tail in some kind of professional fighting
organization…that thing is a lethal weapon.
By eight, I’m poking my older two
kids (eighteen and sixteen in May) and reminding them to get up and eat
breakfast so they can be logged into their online school by nine. More
grumbling and two more zombies rise to stumble around our house knocking stuff
over. I own a lot of plastic—a lot a lot. We’re not graceful creatures, but we
own it. By nine, I like to be at my desk, preferably with noise canceling
headphones on and whatever soundtrack has captured my fancy that week playing,
and I work until noonish. Depending on the day, ‘work’ means answering emails,
checking kids school stuff online, taking phone calls, paying bills, crying
over student loan debt, writing blogs, editing, plotting, revisiting the
schedule, creating files…whatever.
At noonish, I break and panic
because I have a class in about an hour. I quickly dig out my syllabus, see if
anything was due, do whatever it was, and then get in the car and head to
campus. While on campus, I sometimes remember to eat a granola bar. I’m usually
home from school in the early afternoon, barring society meetings, and then
back to work until about four or five.
Around then, I stare at the crock
pot and wonder how serious the recipe is about six hours of cooking time and if
maybe two hours on high will work…one way or another, dinner happens. I talk to
my kids for a bit before heading back to the office around sevenish. I work
until nine—bedtime for the school kids—when I remind everyone about showers,
teeth, give them kisses and realize, nope…I never did get around to a shower
But, wait…the house is quiet! So,
after ensuring the dog has a rawhide and the cats are fed, it is my writing
time (barring other deadlines) so I crack open the laptop with the plan to
write just a few thousand words while singing along to show tunes—
Then the clock says four am and I
fall into my bed, lost to other worlds, and sleep for a couple hours. Before I
know it, the alarm is playing Dr. Who…
Single mom Jeanie Long was
trying to save her butt at work by reporting her manager to the company owner.
Instead, she finds herself greeted warmly by gorgeous company CEO Camden
James...and introduced to his father as his fiancée. Now she's been
hired—complete with a hefty pay raise—to be the fake fiancée of the infamous
“Penthouse Prince.”
Camden doesn't believe in love.
He believes in mutually beneficial business arrangements. With his real fiancée
off cheating on him, Camden needs someone to help him prove to his father that
he's definitely ready to marry. Yet Jeanie's combination of beauty and
bluntness act like an aphrodisiac, and their “for the press” kisses look
incredibly real. So real that Jeanie and Camden are either really
convincing actors...or they've fallen for their own charade.
Nelson believed them when they said, “Write what you know.” Small town girl
writing small town romance, her characters are as full of flaws,
misunderstandings, and flat out mistakes as Virginia herself. When she’s is not
writing or plotting to take over the world, she likes to hang out with the
greatest kids in history, play in the mud, drive far too fast, and scream at
inanimate objects. Virginia likes knights in rusted and dinged up armor, heroes
that snarl instead of croon, and heroines who can’t remember to say the right
thing even with an author writing their dialogue. Her books are full of snark,
sex, and random acts of ineptitude—not always in that order.