Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Sheriff Catches a Bride by Cora Seton - Review/Giveaway

by Cora Seton

When county sheriff Cab Johnson gets a hunch, he's learned to trust it, and his hunch tells him Rose Bellingham is in a peck of trouble. Bad enough he's in love with her, bad enough she's already engaged to Jason Thayer. He's got to figure out what she's hiding before he loses her for good.

Rose can't stand one more person meddling in her business, even if that person is a handsome, eligible sheriff. She's been controlled for far too long. But since her fiancé's father is both her boss and landlord, she can't dump Jason until she's got somewhere to run. She's found the perfect place: a patch of forest outside town. But with Cab watching her every move, she's hard pressed to finish her hideaway so she can make her escape. Meanwhile, she's not the only one with problems. Can she find a way to help her friends, too?

Just when Cab solves one mystery, more pop up. Where does Rose keep disappearing to? What's wrong with Mia Start? Why is Hannah Chatham lying to her fiancé? At least he's let Rose know he's interested. And if he's not mistaken, she's interested, too.

Rose's hideaway is perfect, until her friends invade it to escape their own troubles. Can she trust them to keep its whereabouts a secret? Does she want to hide from Cab anymore? Now that Jason's out of the picture, is it safe to follow her heart?

When two unexpected visitors arrive with secrets of their own, Chance Creek must brace for its deadliest night ever. Can Cab figure out the connections between all the mysteries fast enough?

Or will Rose and her friends pay the ultimate price?

I really enjoy the town Chance Creek, Montana, and I enjoyed being back in it with The Sheriff Catches a Bride, I did at times find myself annoyed with the heroine Rose while at other times found myself rooting for her. I felt like she spent too much time comparing Cab negatively to other bad influences in her life. I didn’t think it was fair to him, which I have to say helps me see Ms. Seton as an excellent writer because I did care about Cab and Rose.

I also loved the subplot and time spent with another character and how it all tied together to give the story some action and suspense. I rooted for Cab and Rose to figure it out and to finally get together, and I think it built up in a way that was true to the characters. So even while I found myself annoyed with Cab getting a raw deal, I was made even happier when these two did end up together because of their struggles.

Another winner, and I look forward to reading more Chance Creek cowboys!

I received a copy in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated for my review.


 “Rose,” Jamie said. “Pull out that one, would you?” He pointed to the ring Cab was staring at.

Rose reached in and pulled out the tray. She angled it toward Cab and he picked up the ring, curious to see it without the intervening glass case. Just as he thought, it was a work of art.

“You can’t see it that way,” Rob said, grabbing it from his fingers. He snatched up Rose’s hand, drew her own ring off her finger and jammed the one Cab picked out in its place.

“Rob!” Rose snatched her hand away and held it up, shock on her face. She stared first at the ring, then at Cab, then back at the ring again. When her free hand grabbed for the counter, and her knees buckled, Cab reached over the case to steady her.

“Rose? You okay?” She looked like she was about to faint.

“Told you,” Rob said, grinning at Ethan.

“Son of a gun,” Ethan said, “You were right.”

“What are you talking about?” Cab was annoyed. “Get her some water, for crying out loud. Rose, do you need to sit down for a minute?” In a horrible flash he wondered if she was pregnant. She’d been Jason’s fiancée a long time. Maybe they hadn’t always been careful.

Rose stared at him wide-eyed. Growing worried, Cab tightened his grip on her arm and came around to her side of the case. “I think you need to sit,” he said again. 

She shook her head and seemed to come back to herself. “I’m… fine.”

“Really?” Jamie said. “Because you look like you’ve seen your hus—”

Ethan whacked him on the arm.

Rose blushed furiously, peeled the ring off and thrust it back into the tray. Understanding dawned on Cab and he felt heat creep up his own neck at the trick his friends had played. They’d gotten him to choose a ring. They’d put that ring on Rose’s finger.

They’d waited for her reaction.

Everyone knew about Rose’s hunches—the ones she got when a couple chose their engagement ring. Somehow she could predict their future—if their marriage would be successful or not. If they were meant to be together. She’d given her approval to Ethan, Jamie and Rob when they’d bought their rings during the past few months, and since all of them remained happily married they believed her hunches were real.

So what did they think they were proving now?

He wanted to let go of Rose’s arm. Wanted to apologize for his friends and get the hell out of there, but he couldn’t seem to turn away.

Cora Seton loves cowboys, country life, gardening, bike-riding, and lazing around with a good book. Mother of four, wife to a computer programmer/eco-farmer, she ditched her California lifestyle nine years ago and moved to a remote logging town in northwestern British Columbia.

Like the characters in her novels, Cora enjoys old-fashioned pursuits and modern technology, spending mornings transforming a neglected one-acre lot into a paradise of orchards, berry bushes and market gardens, and afternoons writing the latest Chance Creek romance novel on her iPad mini. Visit to read about new releases, contests and other cool events!

Cora will award a $100 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.