Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spotlight/Guest Blog: Stephanie Tyler

Lonely is the Night by Stephanie Tyler

Recently retired Delta Force Operator Reid Cormier utilizes his special skills by working black ops jobs all around the world with his former teammates and their wives. Reid's career keeps him busy, but he can't get his last job—or the woman involved—out of his head.
US Marshall Grier Vanderhall faked her own death without telling Reid of the plan first, and he couldn't forgive her duplicity. But when Reid learns that Grier has been kidnapped by a dangerous ring of criminals, he drops everything and heads to New Orleans to rescue her. And while Reid knows that his skills make him the best option to get Grier back, he's not sure if this mission will give them another chance—or get them both killed.

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Surrender by Stephanie Tyler

On the run and living for revenge…
Desperate, fearless, and hunted.
For ex-Navy SEAL Dare O'Rourke, Section 8 was legendary. The son of one its missing members, he grew up in the shadow of its secrets. All he knew was that it was a cabal of operatives discharged from branches of the military and reassigned to extremely dangerous, off-the-books international missions. And their handler, who answered only to the president, was as shrouded in mystery as the missions themselves.
Nothing can stop them. Nothing can break them.
Now, the handler of Section 8 has given extreme orders: kill any remaining members, along with their families. It's then that Dare makes a startling discovery: the existence of a long-lost half sister named Avery he was never meant to meet. Determined to fight for their lives and find their missing father, Dare and Avery bring together the last members of Section 8 for one last mission: to avenge their families, and to survive.

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Guest Post:

Recently, I was asked to fill in my profession on a form in a new doctor’s office. I put down, writer.
The doctor was perplexed by this. Writer. Writer. Oh, you mean, author, he said finally, as if he’d just figured out the greatest puzzle in the world.
I nod.
I won’t ask if you’re published or not.
I am, I tell him.
Then you should call yourself author.
I shrug. And tell him that I consider myself a writer because that’s what I do – the part I love. The writing.
You should still call yourself author, he said confidently.
Hi – I’m Stephanie Tyler – and I was born a writer – there’s no other way to say it. When I tell people things, it’s in story form. I use dialogue tags in emails. I carry a notebook with me all the time, even to dinner with friends. They ask me if I’m planning on writing if they bore me and I tell them, maybe.
I also don’t really like to be told what to do, which is why I adore writing. Even though the characters tell me what they’d like to do (and, most of the time, I listen) - and eventually, my editor tells me what she’d like done (and again, most of the time, I listen) I still rule my created world for those four hundred plus pages. And, when it’s done, I get to do it all over again.
So writing for a living was absolutely my dream, but I never thought it could be a reality.
In college, I was a double major – English Lit and Creative Writing. I wrote poetry and short stories and then I graduated and had no idea how to make a living from writing.
For a long time I did things that circled around the writing world. I was a manager in a bookstore. I went back to school for a Masters in English Lit – and finished half a PhD as well, while completing a Masters in Secondary English Education (there’s that only child, overachiever thing. Add to it a strong dose of impatience and a sense of, I must do it all, at once, and you’ll understand.) And then I taught – middle school and college, at the same time, which was fun. Except I wasn’t writing. I was too busy being creative for my students and had nothing left over for myself.
I also got married – traveled to Africa a couple of times and decided that one day I must live there. And then my daughter was born in 2001 with some serious medical problems and my world changed completely. I left teaching. And I went back to writing and I haven’t stopped since.
It took me about four years and ten manuscripts before I got my first sale call. Which was quickly followed by another, and then another, and so in one year, I was offered contracts for eleven books. Three years later, Hold on Tight hit the New York Times Bestseller list. Persistence pays off – as does practice. And so what I’ve learned is that, even if you try to give up on your dreams, they somehow have a way of finding you.
  • Why do I write romance? I answer that question here and here.
  • Why do I write as both Stephanie Tyler and Sydney Croft? Check out my Frequently Asked Questions page.
  • Looking for a shorter bio? Try this on for mini-size:
    New York Times Bestselling author Stephanie Tyler writes what she loves to read - romantic suspense novels starring military heroes and paranormal romance novels novels starring warrior heroes, all complete with happy endings. She also co-writes as Sydney Croft. She lives in New York with her husband, her kids and her crazy Weimaraner, Gus.
  • How about a longer, publishing industry-oriented bio? Bring up this page, and print it out, if you want.
Find Stephanie on the Web!