*whistles a jaunty tune, entering
the room* Happy St. Patrick’s Day. *Throws green and silver confetti into the
air.* What? *places hand on hip* You didn’t honestly think that I would ignore
St. Paddy’s Day did you? *arches brow* I’ll have you know I’m a devout Irish
muse and can get my Muse card revoked if I don’t celebrate our national
“Girl, you make me soo jealous. Where
did you get that corset?”
*spins around* Rena! This little
thing *gestures to hunter green corset* I found it at some little shop on Lake
Shore Drive. But enough about my kick ass clothing. What are you doing here? I
thought I was gonna have to deal with your man at this stop. *hugs the black
“Like I’d let her out of my
sight.” *Jackson saunters into the room wearing a forest green pullover*
Well damn it. *bats eyes at
Jackson* Why did you have to be wearing green? I was looking forward to
pinching your hind end.
*rolls eyes at antics* “Like I’m
going to be stupid enough to show up without green on after you assaulted Hark
yesterday. I’m surprised he let you free so soon. Besides it isn’t St. Patricks Day yet. You
can’t pinch me even if I wasn’t wearing green.”
*shakes head* Like that’s gonna stop me. Us Muses celebrate the whole weekend. And Hark? He knew what was good for him. If
he kept me tied up too long I’d have given him the biggest case of blue balls
ever known to man.
*Jackson shudders* “Evil, evil
woman.” *joins Rena, nuzzling her neck* “So we going to get on with it? I know
a submissive who has a date with a crop.”
*Rena squirms* “White boy, you
don’t stop that I’m going to…”
“What?” *nips her ear*
Ooooo can I
watch? If you folks didn’t know this Jackson and Rena from Choosing Rena. He’s
got a fetish for exhibition. Don’t let his southern boy charm fool you, he
loves to perform. *wiggles eyebrows* If you know what I mean….
*Jackson growls* “It’s not
happening. I had enough of that while Dakota was writing our story, you damned
*pouts* But you like to be watched,
“There’s a difference between
watching and giving rude suggestions and pointers in the middle of a scene,
*giggles* Can you believe a man who loves to
be watched is actually offended because I told him it was better to…?
*Jackson interrupts* “Where the
hell’s that scarf? Hark definitely had the right idea. You are best seen and
not heard.”
*sticks tongue out at Jackson* Whatever.
I hid that scarf, so don’t bother looking Demo-boy. *turns to viewers* Before
Jackson decides to do something unnatural with the contents of my slave’s – I
mean Dakota’s basket, lets get around to discussing why I’m here and Dakota’s
off in Florida bathing in the sun. She has a new addition to her Doms of
Chicago series. Gabriel’s Light revolves around the grumpy restaurant owner
every one saw in Choosing Rena and this little sweet Greek honey from across
the pond...
*shrugs shoulders* Pond, ocean, there’s
a lot of water between that little back asswards Greek town she grew up in and
the bustling city of Chicago. *giggles* So anyhow Zhenya meets the hunky
Gabriel and decides she needs to jump his bones but he’s still mourning the
delightful Sara. *nibbles on lip as Jackson unbuckles his belt* Hey you gonna
perform here? I know that this is adult rated blog but I don’t know if Ms Sheri
will be happy with you getting jiggy with Rena right here…
*grins* “Oh this isn’t for Rena.”
*lays belt on the table* “It’s for you if you get out of hand….so why don’t you
get to the point our visit, so I can take Rena home, hmmm? You have thirty
Or what? *taunts* You’re gonna
paddle my butt with it?
*shakes head* “Nope, I’m gonna
use it to hogtie you with it and send you home to your mother.”
*pales* You
wouldn’t dare…
*tsks at
Muse* “You ought to know me better than that, Livvy. And you have twenty five
seconds left.”
*swallows* Fine *eyes the dark
leather belt* As I was saying before, I’m not the writer, just Dakota’s lowly
muse and she does such a better job describing her book than me. So CLICK
HERE to read the official blurb and excerpt.
“Twenty seconds.”
*continues in a rush* And today we’re giving
away a E-copy of Choosing Rena to one lucky commenter. It’s a steamy story
featuring these two….
*Rena giggles as Jackson counts
“Ten, nine, eight…” *reaches for
*squeaks* …just leave your addy
below with your comment. It will enter you for the daily prize as well as the
grand prize Dakota will be giving away on the 23rd. *muse finishes
with a rush* I’m soo out of here…I’m going back to Coffee and Books Anytime.
Not only aren’t there any Doms there at the moment I can at least find some new
reading material for my St. Paddy’s reading marathon.
“Don’t forget the parting gift,
Livvy…” *Jackson stops fleeing muse*
*tosses chocolate bar at him.*
You give it to her. *disappears*
*Jackson catches it and grins at
Rena* “I told you it would work.” *pulls Rena close, before setting chocolate
bar on the table next to his belt* “Here you go Ms. Sheri. Thanks for letting
us invade your blog for a while. Enjoy your chocolate and St. Patty’s Day. I
know I intend to.” *wolfish grin as he escorts Rena out of the room*
a Rafflecopter giveaway