M/M Paranormal, werewolves
27,700 words
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a clean break was the only way to protect the man he loved, Micah Hayden shut
down, closed himself off, and spent more than a decade running from his
mistakes. Twelve miserable years later, he’s come home to take his rightful
place as Alpha, and if he has his say in the matter, reclaim the love that was
stolen from him.
Micah kicked him out and crushed his heart, August Tucker didn’t think he’d
ever heal from the loss. Slowly, though, he rebuilt his life—a life far away
from the painful memories of the past. So, when he learns Micah is back in town
and wants to see him, August knows he should refuse, because even a brief reunion
could destroy the walls he’s built around his heart.
he may not have a choice. Someone wants him dead, someone willing to go to any
lengths to succeed. With his list of allies growing thin, he has no choice but
to turn to his old love for help.
can Micah put aside his own uncertainties to be the hero August needs? Or will
history be repeated when ghosts of the past resurface determined to finish what
was put into motion all those years ago?
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Reclining in his office chair, August Tucker kicked his
shoes off and propped his feet up on the desk with a silent groan.
“Ok, you’re definitely going to be here Thursday, right?”
It felt like the hundredth time the question had been posed
in the last twenty-four hours, and August barely bit back his sigh. “Yes,
Meredith,” he answered into the phone. “My last appointment is at noon
Thursday. I’ll be on the highway before rush hour.”
“I still don’t get why you’re driving all the way from
Considering how little they had in common, it still amazed
him that they’d ever become friends. Maybe it had something to do with the fact
they were both too stubborn to let those little differences stand in their way.
Whatever the reason, they’d made it work and had been inseparable since junior
high, even after August had packed up his things and moved halfway across the
country to nurse his broken heart.
“It’s not that far to Indianapolis.”
Most people probably wouldn’t agree, but nine hours didn’t
feel like a chore. If nothing drastic happened, he could probably make it in
“Besides, I like to drive,” he reminded her. August found
the hum of the tires over the highway peaceful, and driving gave him the time
and space to think.
“Yeah, yeah,” Meredith conceded. “Well, I’m closing the
shop for the weekend, and Lucas will be at his dad’s house in Fort Wayne until
next Thursday because of fall break. Starting Friday afternoon, I’m all yours.”
“Sounds like a plan, but you really don’t have to entertain
“Oh, oh!” Meredith exclaimed, completely ignoring his
subtle plea for a nice, quiet visit. Honestly, he should have been used to it
by now. “You are never going to guess who’s back in town!”
Wincing as he jerked the phone away from his head to avoid
a ruptured eardrum, August scrolled through his mental Rolodex, trying to
figure out who could make his friend squeal like that. “I don’t know, Mer.
Peyton Manning?” A lame guess, perhaps, but he had nothing.
“Funny,” Meredith answered, her tone dripping with sarcasm,
“but no.” She paused for a long time, likely for dramatic effect, then squealed
again. “Micah!”
She said it as though it should mean something to him, but
he only knew of one Micah. Surely, she didn’t mean…
“Micah Hayden?” Barely able to speak through his trembling
lips, August winced when his voice broke and prayed his friend hadn’t noticed.
“Yes! I saw him in the pharmacy last weekend when I was
visiting Mom. I guess he’s in town for the closing on his parents’ farm out by
Booker’s Pond. Remember it?” She didn’t give him a chance to respond before
continuing. Hell, she didn’t even take time to breathe. “Now that they’re
getting older—his parents, not Micah—they’ve decided to move to Florida. It’s
cliché, I know, but there you have it.”
August blinked twice, replaying the monologue in his head,
because he’d definitely missed something. “His parents are moving to Florida?
What does that have to do with Micah?”
“Oh, well, they signed over the farm to him, didn’t they?
He finally found a buyer over in Greenfield.”
“Ah, I see.” August drummed his fingers against the
gleaming oak of his desktop and swallowed hard, trying to force his heart out
of his throat and back into his chest where it belonged. “So,” he began, hoping
he sounded casual, “how is he?”
“Good, from what I could tell.” If Meredith sensed his
growing anxiety, she didn’t say anything. “He’s been back in Indianapolis for a
few months now, and he said he just signed a lease with…”
“Yes?” August dropped his feet to the floor and sat up
straighter in his chair. “With what?”
“His partner,” Meredith answered. The glee had disappeared,
replaced by a more somber tone, and perhaps even a hint of pity. “He moved into
an apartment with his partner.”
If his life was a movie, August might naively think Micah’s
return meant a second chance for them. They’d meet somewhere for coffee, just
for old time’s sake, one thing would lead to another, and they’d stroll off
into the sunset together. Roll end credits. August lived in
the real world, though, with real-life disappointments, and Micah Hayden had
turned out to be one of the biggest.
“I have his number.” Meredith’s voice pulled him back to
the conversation. “He asked about you. Actually, he had a lot of questions
about you.” Smugness saturated her voice, and August could just picture his
friend’s bow shaped lips curling into a smirk. “He asked me to pass on his
number. Want it?”
“Uh, Mer, I don’t know. Maybe it’s not such a good idea.”
Part of him, the part that had been desperately in love with Micah wanted to
say yes. A louder, more logical voice chastised him for even considering it.
“Auggie, c’mon. I know things ended badly between you, but
he’s your alma.”
Fate. Soul. Heart. Intended. Mate. A sacred and cherished bond within the paranormal world,
especially amongst his particular breed of werewolves. No one came between
a Lobos and their mate, not without violent consequences.
Apparently, that only applied to lesser beings, not to someone as self-important
as Micah Hayden.
Yeah, I’m not bitter at all.
“You just said he was seeing someone else.”
“But he’s your mate!” Meredith repeated, as though that
would suddenly make everything okay.
Knowing she wouldn’t let it go, August sighed as he shifted
through the clutter on his desk for a pen and scrap of paper. Nothing said “I’m
available and desperate” like getting wound up over the guy who’d dumped him.
“Fine, let’s have it.”
Meredith rattled off the number twice, and then made August
recite it back to her. After being repeatedly forced to promise he’d call the
minute he left for Indiana, he said his goodbyes and disconnected. Picking up
the slip of paper with Micah’s number on it, August leaned back in his desk
chair and stared at the digits.
After all this time, he couldn’t imagine why Micah wanted
to talk to him. They’d had little in common when they’d been together, and he
guessed they had even less in common now. It would definitely be awkward.
“For crying out loud, August,” he berated himself, “you’re
a grown man, not a heartsick kid.” Without a good reason not to call, he just
looked like the jaded lover he was.
Sucking in a deep breath and praying for courage, August
snatch his cell phone off the desk and dialed before he could change his mind.
Then he sat on the edge of his chair, his shoulders back and his spine rigid,
gnawing on his bottom lip while he waited for an answer.
“Hello?” a voice answered on the fourth ring in a deep,
resonating bass.
Whoa. Shivering at the
current that rippled along his spine, August tugged at his slacks and shifted
in his seat when the tingles traveled to places they had no business occupying.
“Umm…I’m looking for Micah Hayden,” he stammered.
“This is Micah Hayden. Who’s calling?”
“You probably don’t remember me,” August began but stopped
when he realized how stupid that sounded. The guy had crushed his heart into a
million pieces. Oh, and he’d asked about him. Either way, of course Micah
remembered him. “It’s August. August Tucker. Meredith gave me your number.”
Okay, great. This is going well.
Even after all these years, the silly nickname had the
ability to stretch his lips into a warm, indulgent smile. “Yeah, it’s me.”
Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as he’d dreaded. “How are you, Micah?”
“Wow. It is you. I wasn’t sure you’d call,
but I’m glad you did.” An echoing smile tinted Micah’s voice, and he sounded
genuinely happy. “How long has it been? Twelve, thirteen years?”

“Yes, sir. I bought The Garage, so that’s where I’ve been
spending most of my time.”
Micah had started working for old man Aikens in junior
high, cleaning up around the shop and fetching parts for the mechanics. Gods,
he’d loved that place, and he’d talked nonstop about owning his own garage one
day. August was truly happy his old love had fulfilled his dream.
“That’s great, Micah, really. Congratulations.”
“Thank you.” A measure of uncertainty floated over the
line. “What else did Meredith tell you?”
“Just that you found a buyer for your parents’ farm. Are
they really moving to Florida?”
“Well, Mom is moving down there to be closer to her sister.
Dad passed a couple of months ago. I’m not selling the old place, either.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I know you two were close.” It seemed
callous to ask, but August did question what that meant for the pack. He also
wondered how Meredith could get her facts so horribly wrong. “Are you living at
the farm, then? I thought you’d just signed a lease on an apartment?”
Silence hung over the line before Micah groaned under his
breath. “Some things never change, huh?”
“If you’re referring to the fact that Meredith hears a
quarter of the conversation and makes up the rest, you wouldn’t be wrong.”
Gods, Micah had a great laugh, and even through the phone line, his voice
washed over August in all the right—er, wrong?—places. “Okay,
so what am I missing?”
“Well, I just terminated the lease on my
old apartment. Mom did sign the farm over to me, but I’m not selling the house
or any of the land. Seems like it would be a waste of resources to turn over
seventy acres of pack lands.”
“You’re converting the farm to pack lands?” August sat up a
little straighter and cocked his head to the side. The pack had never had a
place of their own to run, not that August could remember, anyway. “Why now?
Why the sudden change?”
Micah cleared his throat, and when he spoke, he sounded a
little too casual for it to be authentic. “It’s just time for some changes.” He
paused, a little hesitation that anyone else probably wouldn’t have noticed.
“You’re living in Oklahoma now, right?”
He was definitely hiding something, but after so long
apart, it wasn’t really August’s place to ask. So he ignored the tightening in
his gut and pasted a smile on his lips when he answered. “Yes, sir, I have my
own office here in Tulsa.”
To date, it was his biggest accomplishment, and he’d worked
his ass off, scrimping, saving, and sacrificing to be able to open his own
practice. It hadn’t been easy in the beginning, but he’d seen steady progress,
especially in the past couple of years. His exclusive clientele required a
certain level of…discretion, and they were willing to pay top dollar to protect
their privacy.
“Wow, I’m impressed.” Micah’s tone held just the right
amount of sincerity without being over the top. He didn’t quite pull off the
same subtlety with his next question, though. “I guess that doesn’t leave a lot
of time to make it back home, huh?”
“It’s not my home, Micah. It hasn’t been for a long time.”
It had been fourteen years since his parents had passed, and with no other
family, August had no reason to return to Indianapolis permanently. “However,
I’ll be in town this coming weekend to visit Meredith.”
“You’ll be in town for your birthday? We should celebrate.”
Micah stopped and swallowed audibly. When he continued, some of the enthusiasm
had vanished. “I mean, if you’re not busy, of course. If you’d rather not, I’ll
August didn’t know how he felt. The part of him still
hopelessly in love with the guy wanted to move back to Indianapolis, buy a
house, build a picket fence, and live happily ever after. The rational part of
him, however, knew that would never happen, and being near Micah without
actually being with him sounded plain miserable.
“I’d love to see you.”
What? Wait. I would?
“I look forward to it.” Micah’s reply felt more intimate
than his previous excitement, and August clenched his fist on his thigh as his
breath quickened. “I should get back to work.”
August glanced at the clock on his computer and opened his
schedule of appointments for the day. “Yeah, same here. My four o’clock will be
here any minute.”
“What is it you do, Ant?”
“I’m a therapist,” August answered distractedly as he
pulled his patient’s file from the bottom drawer and placed it on top of the
desk. “Sex therapy to be more specific.”
“Right then.” Laughter colored Micah’s voice, and he paused
for a heartbeat before composing himself. “Well, you have my number now. Be
sure to use it.”
“I’ll call when I get into Indy.” Gods, he didn’t know how
he’d convinced himself it would be a good idea to see Micah again, but he
blamed Meredith. If she hadn’t been so quick to gossip, none of this would have
happened. “Take care of you.”
Their old goodbye came without thought, rolling smoothly
off his tongue as though he’d uttered it a thousand times in the last twelve
years. In truth, it was special, and he never used that parting line with
anyone except Micah.
Thankfully, Micah didn’t comment on his Freudian slip.
“Goodbye, August.”
Mmmm...this definitely has me intrigued. Must check it out. Thanks for sharing! I love M/M.