Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Author Interview/Giveaway: Warlock's Pawn by Tara Quan

About the Book:

Delve into a fantastic world of political intrigue, magic, and a sword-wielding alpha male, in Book 1 of Tara Quan's new Captive Fates series. Who will survive as two women and one man fight for the right to rule in a world of blood and sand, where becoming a warlock's queen is a fatal curse? Inspired by The Arabian Nights, Warlock's Pawn is romantic suspense at its best.

Foreseeing the warlock's destiny, Alia saves the man her sister plotted to kill. He returns five years later to conquer her city. A pawn in a battle for desert waters, Alia resigns herself to a political marriage and an empty bed. But when Duncan demands more than just her name, she chances losing her heart along with her freedom.

Determined to reclaim her kingdom, Anora parlays her body to remain at Duncan's side. From within the Helicon court she spins her web, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Alia is all that stands between her and the throne. Her sister must cease to breathe before the warlock's affection wanes.

A master tactician, Duncan has no qualms about making Anora his courtesan and Alia his queen. But it is Alia's eyes that haunt his dreams, and she soon becomes his only weakness. With the perils that haunt the Helicon court, caring for the fey is absolute folly. A warlock's love is a fatal curse, and Alia's death will be his undoing.

Amazon buy link:

Author Interview:

What made you realize that writing was it for you? Do you write full time?

I remember reading a submission call for a “Zombie Fairy Tale” right around the time my husband and I were packing up to move to another country. All our possessions were boxed away, including our desktop computer. The deadline was in five weeks, and it was doubtful I’d finish the novella in time. Nonetheless, I started writing Tower in the Woods on my husband’s iPad. He watched me struggle with it for a few hours, left, and returned with a laptop. I remember him saying: “If you’re going to be a writer, you need something to write on.” Like most things, he knew what I wanted before I did.

Accepting a full-time job was the only way I could follow my husband to where we are now. I’m on month nine of a one-year contract. Once we return home in July, I’m going to give full-time writing a go for at least a few months.

What is a typical day of writing like for you?

I get most of my writing done on weekends. I’d wake up around eight and have breakfast. I usually slump on the couch and dawdle on my computer until at least nine-thirty. Once my brain fires up, I type away. I’m nudged at around one to grab a snack and some tea. I continue to write while Spartacus or The Office blares in the periphery of my vision until dinnertime. After dinner, my significant other convinces me TV is good for the creative process, and I begrudgingly shut off my laptop.

Does travel play in the writing of your books?

Definitely. Warlock’s Pawn is set in the desert because I lived in the Middle East for two years. My current work in progress is set in the Middle East and South Asia.

Which genre(s) do you write and is one of them your favorite?

I write romances exclusively. Within the genre, I’ve written a post apocalyptic romance and a fantasy romance. My work in progress is a contemporary romantic suspense. As a reader, my favorite genre is paranormal romance.

Tell us about your current release.

Warlock’s Pawn is the first book in my Captive Fates series. An erotic journey filled with deception and suspense, it’s a tale about a scarred warlock and fey princess who struggle to shape the destiny of a fantasy desert kingdom. While they plot and scheme to stay alive, the fall in lust and then in love with each other. More details, including reviews and consolidated buy links, can be found at http://taraquan.com/captive-fates/ . If I’ve piqued your interest, you can read the first chapter on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BW7BYLY)

Anything else you want to share?

Come visit my website (www.taraquan.com) for more about my writing. I’m also on Twitter (https://twitter.com/LaylaTarar) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/taraquanauthor).

As part of my virtual book tour, I’m giving away a $10 Amazon or B&N electronic gift card. To enter, use the rafflecopter below.

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