Title: Breaking the Ice
Series: Ariel Estates
Genre: Paranormal
Flame rating: Scorching
Released: 1/22/2014
Publisher: Resplendence
The tundra isn’t the only thing
that’s frozen solid.
Being the last male standing
isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. Mikah Malloy is living proof. His
mother and father were both killed during their individual attempts to
assassinate the pride leader of Ariel Estates, Silas Murdoch. Now after the dust
has settled on his bloodstained family’s name, Mikah must face life alone among
his fellow lion shifters. But Silas and his mate, Theo, have decided a vacation
in Alaska is just what the doctor ordered to help Mikah come to terms with his
grief and his plans for the future. The only snag with their plan is trouble
always has a way of finding Mikah, no matter where he runs.
Gideon Haven, eldest son of the
Haven pack's alpha, would give his soul for a way off the ice. But when a
hunter is out to eradicate his pack one by one, skinning them alive for their
wolf pelts, Gideon can’t just walk away.
The predators have now become
the prey, but they're determined to hunt down the poacher out to slaughter Theo
and Gideon's pack. As for Mikah, he’s more than ready for the job. Putting
one's life on the line isn’t a hardship when you don’t care whether you live or
die. The heat between Gideon and Mikah becomes nearly impossible to resist, yet
Mikah is determined the tenacious wolf isn’t about to get close enough to break
the ice around his heart.
Jessica Lee is an EPIC eBook
Award winner and international bestselling author of paranormal romance. She
lives in the southeastern United States with her husband and son. In her former
life, Jessica was a science geek and spent over twenty-five years as a nurse.
But after the birth of her son, she left her medical career behind. During that
transition, she discovered her passion for writing romance and has never looked
back. Jessica Lee is currently published by three houses:
Entangled Publishing, Resplendence
Publishing, and Ellora's Cave. In addition, she has several self-published
titles available. Jessica is a member of Romance Writers of America and
Carolina Romance Writers.
Twitter: @jessleenovels
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jessicaleenovels
Website: www.jessicaleenovels.com
Super Duper Important-
Scavenger Hunt Instructions:
There are 10 (ten) stops for
this Scavenger Hunt. Each stop contains a letter button. The letters are
scattered randomly to the hosts. You will need to collect all 10, unscramble
them, and then enter the decoded message in the Rafflecopter for the ‘extra entries’.
All 10 letters form a message that is the answer to the following question.
Good luck!
Question: What is it that Mikah
Malloy desires, but within his soul, believes he doesn’t deserve?
Tour long Giveaway:
$10 Amazon
or B&N Giftcard and a snowflake bracelet
a Rafflecopter giveaway